PayPal Complete Payments Platform for Marketplaces and Platforms

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PayPal Complete Payments Platform offers multiparty payment processing solutions for marketplaces and platforms. With these solutions, you can onboard global sellers by applying local regulations and compliance rules.

Key features include:

  • Accepting multiple payment methods
  • Customizing pricing with partner fees
  • Handling foreign exchange for global currencies
  • Making payouts
  • Managing disputes and chargebacks

Test the integration in the PayPal sandbox with a standard developer account. Apply for live credentials and go live after your platform or marketplace has been approved.

Packaged solutions

PayPal's multiparty packaged solutions include features that support your business needs. These packaged solutions include standard or advanced checkout and provide instructions for integrating with PayPal Complete Payments Platform.
Fill out this form to get started, and we will recommend a solution for your business model.

Our packaged solutions work for platforms such as:

  • Marketplaces
  • Ecommerce and shopping carts
  • Sharing and gig economy
  • Technology partners
  • Payment service providers
  • Crowdfunding

Standard checkout

Integrate standard payment on your checkout page so your buyers can pay with:

  • PayPal branded checkout
  • Pay Later
  • Venmo (US only)
  • Alternative payment methods
  • Credit or debit cards
Read the guide

Advanced checkout

Advanced checkout includes all offerings from standard checkout and card field customization with your business branding. Integrate advanced payment on your checkout page so your buyers can pay with:

  • PayPal branded checkout
  • Pay Later
  • Venmo (US only)
  • Alternative payment methods
  • Credit and debit cards with custom branding
Read the guide

Partner fees

Partner fees enable partners to charge commissions or brokerage fees for each transaction they facilitate on behalf of a seller. The seller will see the platform fee in their transaction details as Partner commissions. Following rules apply to partner/platform fees:

  • The currency of the platform fee must be the same as the transaction currency.
  • To receive the money, the platform fee payee must add a bank account to their PayPal account.
  • Partner fees are settled into the bank account attached to the PayPal account. This settlement is done once daily, so transactions with partner fees completed today will be consolidated into one payment and settled tomorrow.
  • If a partner chooses to receive partner fees from their integration, their partner/live API-caller account cannot have a PayPal balance.
  • Partner fees will be paid out to the bank account associated with the partner account. If the partner wants to transact with this account as a seller or collect payments directly from buyers, it will cause issues. In that case, the partner must make another account.
  • Platform fee is not supported for digital goods and first-party integrations.

Use the following endpoints to set the fees and refund amounts:

  • Set fee using /v2/checkout/orders in PURCHASE_UNITS.PAYMENT_INSTRUCTION.PLATFORM_FEES.AMOUNT. If PURCHASE_UNITS.PAYMENT_INSTRUCTION.PLATFORM_FEES.PAYEE is not set, the fee amount will go to the live API caller account.
  • Set the refund amount during refund transactions using /v2/payments/captures/capture_id/refund in PAYMENT_INSTRUCTION.PLATFORM_FEES.AMOUNT. Partner must be enabled by PayPal to use this feature.

Compare our packaged solutions

Features included in standard checkout and advanced checkout.

Standard checkoutAdvanced checkout
Client and server side integrationsstandardadvance
Accept PayPal, Venmo and Pay Later offersstandardadvance
Accept alternative payment methodsstandardadvance
One-time sales transactionsstandardadvance
Auth and capture transactionsstandardadvance
Void and refundsstandardadvance
Advanced credit and debit card paymentsadvance
Custom user experienceadvance
Customizable fraud protection toolsadvance

Tell us about your platform

Complete this form, and a PayPal representative will contact you after they evaluate your business needs.

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